Dafster's walkthrough universe


Thursday, July 29, 2010

New ad: Diary of a wimpy kid movie!

Greetings American's Australian's, Europeians and whatever other country you may come from. Poptropica has released a new ad at a few mainstreets including Skullduggery island. This ones averting the Diary of a wimpy kid movie. (there's been slot on Poptroppica about Diary of a wimpy kid, hasn't there?) Anyway, inside the ad's building (the school)you'll find a movie trailer, a link to the cheese touch game and Greg in a wrestling suit. When you ask Greg what he's been doing, he says he's just written in his Diary. Then he says that you should try it and gives you a diary and a wrestling suit. Hold it! A few things wrong here: Greg is inside the school right? Well he's also on the mainstreets. Maybe he teleports himself into the building while you enter. But the Poptrooican out the front says that he's in there at this very moment! So the only possible explanation is that the Poptropican inside the school is a fake. A hologram. This would explain why they look different, why he calls his diary a diary instead of a journal, and why he gives that wrestling suit as if it looks cool. (he hates the suit in the book!) In short, it is impossible that comic kid created this ad, because comic kid is Jeff Kinney, the author of Diary of a wimpy kid, so he would know him well. Phew! Alright, I'm done!

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